
What are you not willing to be or do?

What are you not willing to be or do?

What are you not willing to be or do? Are you willing to clean toilets for a living? Are you willing to be a raging success? 

Are you willing to be wild, wacky, and weird?

What if being wiling to be or do anything was the key to ending all anxiety, concern about what others think, and the paralysis that often keeps you from being comfortable in your own skin?

Asking for what you really want

Asking for what you really want

Getting what you truly desire, begins with asking for it.

So, what is it that you won’t even ask for, because you don’t think it’s ok to ask for… which if you did ask for, would change your whole life?

How quickly do you even eliminate those things out of your world because you have already decided or concluded that you can’t have them, shouldn’t have them, etc.?