Asking for what you really want

Asking for what you really want

Getting what you truly desire, begins with asking for it.

So, what is it that you won’t even ask for, because you don’t think it’s ok to ask for… which if you did ask for, would change your whole life?

How quickly do you even eliminate those things out of your world because you have already decided or concluded that you can’t have them, shouldn’t have them, etc.?

How YOU really can make a difference in the world

How YOU really can make a difference in the world

Are you the kind of person that would love to change the world? Do you think about all the ways it needs to be changed and wish, pray or wonder what it will take?

Opening up the space of being is not something we’ve been taught or reminded how to do…but what if you already knew how to do it and be it?

Here’s what’s interesting about changing the world, and changing your life…

When you don’t know what else to do, try this...

When you don’t know what else to do, try this...

How many times have you felt so overwhelmed by all the things you have to do that you’ve had no idea where to start or what to do?

How much of your life is spent doing all the things you think you should be doing, have to be doing, ought to be doing, instead of what you would really, truly like and desire to be doing?


Do you really need a positive attitude?

Do you really need a positive attitude?

Have you always been taught or told to have a better attitude?

You may think that you already have a good attitude, and perhaps you do. However, what if everything you have been taught about attitudes was not the complete picture?

Here are some tips and truths to get you out of the judgment of you and your attitude, and into the capacity to create anything you truly desire.