Are you asking the right questions?

Are you asking the right questions?

If you’re ever feeling stuck or limited by something, learning how to ask better questions can free you back up and get you moving forward again. 

Asking questions is not about the answers, it’s about the awareness you can receive. In this reality, asking questions is not something that is valued as much as finding the answers, but answers shut down all possibilities, your creative flow and actually your ability to get anything you want! 

Are you planning for profit?

Are you planning for profit?

At the end of the day, profitability is not just about the money. It’s about you acknowledging where you are advancing, progressing etc. It’s about knowing you have infinite choice. It’s about acknowledging what you would really like and what it takes to create that. 

Are you killing your future with any of these?

Are you killing your future with any of these?

If you’ve been wondering why your choices may not be creating what you actually desire, I’m going to break down 4 of the key culprits that are killing your creations and arm you with the weapons to destroy them! Ain’t got no time for that right!? 

Asking for what you really want

Asking for what you really want

Getting what you truly desire, begins with asking for it.

So, what is it that you won’t even ask for, because you don’t think it’s ok to ask for… which if you did ask for, would change your whole life?

How quickly do you even eliminate those things out of your world because you have already decided or concluded that you can’t have them, shouldn’t have them, etc.?